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Featuring Demian Dressler, DVM and Sue Ettinger, DVM, Dip. ACVIM (Oncology), authors of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide


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Dog Vomiting: Everything You Need to Know

By Kate Basedow, LVT | January 10, 2022

Learn possible reasons why your dog is vomiting, when to worry, what you can do at home, and how to clean up the mess.

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What’s New in Dog Cancer Treatments: Integrative Oncology Going Into 2022

By Kate Basedow, LVT | January 3, 2022

Dog cancer treatments are steadily embracing integrative therapies as well as conventional options. Let’s look at what’s on the horizon.

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Supplements for Dogs with Cancer

There are dozens of supplements that are supposed to help with cancer. How do you know which ones are worth using with your own dog?

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Common Sense Lifestyle Choices to Prevent Cancer in Dogs

Can we really prevent cancer in dogs? Cancer thrives in certain bodies, so here’s how to make sure YOUR dog’s body is a hostile environment for cancer.

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Recommended Supplements for Dogs with Cancer: The Most Important Supplements in Order of Importance from The Dog Cancer Survival Guide

Readers of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide check Appendix A to find the most important supplements for dogs with cancer listed in order of importance.

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Apoptosis and Dog Cancer

Apoptosis and Cancer … what’s the connection? Every cancer shares six characteristics — and a LACK of apoptosis is one of those characteristics. Every cancer suppresses apoptosis, which is why boosting apoptosis in cancer cells can help.

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lumps on dogs

Lumps On Dogs: When To Get Them Checked By A Veterinarian

Finding lumps on dogs is scary, but waiting to get them checked is a terrible idea. The sooner you know what it is, the better. Get the guidelines now.

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Diet and Dogs with Cancer

Dr. Ettinger’s views on diet have changed since she co-authored The Dog Cancer Survival Guide and attended the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Associations’ conference. This is important stuff!

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Pain medication updates and natural pain relief for dogs. Small dog walking outside.

Pain Management Update PLUS: Natural Pain Relief for Dogs

Pain management for dogs should change based on what we know now. Dr. Dressler goes over his current pain control cocktails and natural pain relief for dogs.

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Full Spectrum Cancer Treatment for Dogs to Optimize Your Dog’s Life Quality and Longevity

Forget dogma: Full Spectrum Cancer Care includes ALL cancer treatment for dogs that work, no matter where they come from. Just what helps YOUR dog.

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Is My Dog Dying Right Now? Read Chapter 3: Three Common Questions About Dog Cancer

Is my dog dying right now? Why didn’t my vet catch this earlier? How did this happen overnight? Dr. D answers the three most common dog cancer questions.

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True Tails from Others Who’ve Battled Dog Cancer

Read inspiring “true tails” of people who’ve read The Dog Cancer Survival Guide and helped their dogs fight (and even beat) cancer.

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How Can I Help My Dog with Cancer? Read Chapter 1: Your Role in Dog Cancer

How can I help my dog with cancer? It’s the first question dog lovers ask. Dr. Demian Dressler answers it. Warning: his answer might not be what you expect.

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How Do You Know If Your Dog Has Cancer for Sure? Read Chapter 9: How We Diagnose and Stage Cancer

How do you know if your dog has cancer? Well, no one can tell by look or feel. You have to test. Learn how veterinarians diagnose and stage cancer.

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When It Comes To Cancer, Forget Dogma and Use the Full Spectrum Approach

If you're overwhelmed and confused about how to treat your dog's cancer, welcome to the club. With so little that "really works" in conventional veterinary medicine, we're left to fend for ourselves in the wilds of the internet. This site has been helping millions of dog lovers just like you since 2008 to find the FACTS about what actually helps dogs with cancer. Dr. Dressler's Full Spectrum approach to cancer care spans the globe. He recommends diet changes, lifestyle changes, and strategics supplements that are safe and shown to have benefit in MOST dogs MOST of the time. His non-dogmatic approach -- only what is safe and may help, no matter what medical tradition it comes from -- has helped millions of dogs. Find out more by reading the chapter on his Full Spectrum approach excerpted from his best-selling book. 

Dog Raising Paw

Get the Dog Cancer Survival Guide

No matter what you’ve heard, there are always steps you can take to help your dog fight (and even beat) cancer. This comprehensive guide is your complete reference for practical, evidence-based strategies that can optimize the life quality and longevity for your dog.

We're Glad You Found Us

Demian Dressler, DVM, and Sue Ettinger, DVM, ACVIM (Oncology)

Cancer is the number one killer of dogs… but it doesn’t have to be. No matter what you’ve heard, there are always things we dog lovers can do to help our dogs fight (and even beat) cancer. This site is dedicated to helping you find information that can help you and your dog, right this minute.

We’ve been online for a long time – since early 2008, and well over a million other dog lovers before you have explored the hundreds of articles and thousands and thousands of comments from others just like you.

Contributors to this site include Dr. Demian Dressler and Dr. Sue Ettinger, co-authors of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide: Full Spectrum Treatments to Optimize Your Dog’s Life Quality and Longevity. That landmark book is invaluable to you in your own fight with dog cancer -- make sure you pick up a copy of the best, most comprehensive, trusted resource for dog lovers.

Whether you have questions about supplements, conventional treatments, diet, mind-body medicine, or what NOT to do … it’s in the book. In the meantime, feel free to explore our site. There's so much here!

Best Wishes & Doggy Kisses from Our Homes to Yours,

Dr. D., Dr. Sue, & The Dog Cancer Vet Team
(The Team of Dog Lovers Who Understand What It Means to Have a Dog with Cancer)

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Get the Dog Cancer Diet eBook Free in our Store

This eBook is available at online bookstores for $2.99, but you can get it FREE from our store. The Dog Cancer Diet is a special excerpt from the full-length book The Dog Cancer Survival Guide. It has helped tens of thousands of dogs with cancer, and it can help yours, too, at his or her next meal. Just put it in your shopping cart and go through the steps at checkout!

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