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Featuring Demian Dressler, DVM and Sue Ettinger, DVM, Dip. ACVIM (Oncology), authors of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide

New Approaches to Squamous Cell Cancer

Updated: May 15th, 2024

A cancer we see in from time to time veterinary hospitals is called squamous cell carcinoma.

Even though it is not as common as other cancers in dogs, for any dog lover coping with this diagnosis, it is a huge issue. These cancers are not fun.

First of all, especially in advanced cases, they are hard to remove completely. They tend to spread out into neighboring tissue, making complete removal hard at times. Sometimes they occur in areas that are hard to operate in like the nose or some areas in the mouth.

Sometimes radiation is used for squamous cell carcinoma treatment. Radiation can help shrink them to some extent.

If you are close to a veterinary university, you may be able to access photodynamic therapy, which is a way to use light waves to shrink these cancers.  This technique has shown real promise.

Another problem with squamous cell carcinomas is they have not responded well to chemotherapy. However, we may be looking at some new developments in this area that could help squamous cell carcinomas.

Recently it has been uncovered that this type of cancer, and some others,  may be susceptible to a particular class of substances. These are known as COX-2 inhibitors. Read more here.

Usually, these are drugs that have been used to control inflammation. Now it is being shown that they may help induce cancer cell suicide, and this cancer type is one where they may help.

Cancer cell suicide is called apoptosis.

Although we do not yet have perfect drugs to create this anti-cancer effect, there is some evidence that some of the COX-2 inhibitor drugs may help.

For those who want to use pharmaceuticals, an option to discuss is piroxicam. This was shown to help a bit in almost a third of dogs with squamous cell tumors. Here is the study to read for yourself.

There are also some natural compounds that can help. I have written about these at length in The Dog Cancer Survival Guide, and also in this blog. These include things like curcumin, luteolin and others.

These substances are able to shut down the enzyme COX-2. This enzyme makes a chemical signal in the body called PGE-2. This chemical signal is a central player in the onset of  cancer as well as progression. It is nasty.

PGE-2 makes cancer cells resist apoptosis, which means they don’t die (like they should). Apoptosis genes that are supposed to be turned on in cancer cells, after they get deranged and start multiplying. Chemical signals like this one prevent these genes from turning on, and cancer cells are able to keep growing instead of being dismantled by apoptosis.

Your oncologist will be abreast of this information, and many veterinarians in private practice will be as well. However, if your dog has a squamous cell tumor and this topic has not come up, don’t be afraid to be your dog’s health advocate and bring it up!

You can get these supplements on line. Apocaps contains these agents in combination form, or you can get the indivudual ones. Here and here are some other posts on these supplements for more information.

All my best,

Dr D

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  1. Ayana on May 6, 2011 at 10:14 am

    Dear Dr. Dressler,

    I have a 12 yo Sheltie (he’ll be 13 in July) that was recently diagnosed w/ non-tonsillar oral SCC. Presently there’s no metastasis and no spread to his lymph nodes, but the location (lower right mandible in the back) has made surgery a difficult option. He has great energy and is showing no outward signs of disease. I have read the Guide and have switched his diet and implemented supplements, all which he has tolerated really well (he actually gained 3 lbs. since the diet change and now weighs 15 lbs), and I’m seeing an excellent holistic veterinarian, who’s giving him a homeopathic remedy as well. His vet oncologist has suggested either palliative or full course radiation. The palliative doesn’t seem like it would do much except possibly slow tumor growth, and he’s not in any pain so I’m not sure that option would do much. I’m seriously considering the full course radiation, b/c I’m told it could be curative or at least stop the tumor’s growth, but as his guardian, I don’t want to compromise his quality of life.

    He was otherwise perfectly normal until I discovered this mass, which I thought was an infection. What would you suggest in this case?

    • DemianDressler on May 18, 2011 at 9:22 pm

      Dear Ayana,
      I am sorry to hear about your Sheltie.
      the important thing is to get some numbers to deal with from the radiation oncologist to help arm you with the information for your particular dog. How many respond? What is the cure rate? What is the median added life expectancy (how much time do we gain on the “average”)? What are the odds of side effects for this tumor with radiation? What are they?
      These are important questions to be asking to help you with these decisions as discussed in the Guide. We also cannot forget the other areas of treatment (diet, apoptogens, immune support, and so on..)
      I hope this helps
      Dr D

  2. Mandy on April 30, 2011 at 8:57 am

    Hi Dr Dressler
    We have got 2 scotish terrier terriers, both 1 year. I am very afraid of them getting cancer as I have read multiple articles stating that scotties are prone to cancer, especially bladder cancer. With that my gran has lost 2 scotties 2 years ago from cancer and now her next scottie has bladder cancer. Knowing all of this I would like to ensure that, should my scotties get cancer we catch it early.

    What is your recommendation for early detection – should we look at having them scanned annually, if so from what age?


  3. Nancy on April 20, 2011 at 9:15 am

    I have an almost 14 year old lab with nasal squamous cell carcinoma, like Devon above. Do you suggest the radiation treatments as the best? University of Penn. said she wasn’t a candidate for the photodynamic therapy??

    • DemianDressler on April 20, 2011 at 5:51 pm

      Dear Nancy,
      the most important thing for you is to get data about your particular dog from the people who would deliver the radiation. Radiation is the conventional standard of care for these tumors. But there is a lot to consider. Have you read the Guide? This is important. What is your dog’s normal life expectancy? How much does your dog stand to gain from radiation? Are you prepared for frequent anesthesia? You need to sit down and look at the big picture and define what kind of person you are and what values are most important for you as a Guardian. You should be also looking at diet, immune support, supplements like apocaps, and possibly neoplasene oral and nebulized. All under veterinary supervision, of course.
      Dr D

  4. Carla on February 16, 2011 at 5:57 pm

    Dear Dr. Dressler,
    My beloved 8 yr old Papillon Ty was recently diagnosed with Tonsillar Squamous cell cancer Dec.1, 2010. I immediately took him to an oncologist and bought your book. I found out from the oncologist that his tumor was inoperable because of carotid artery involvement and poor margins. We tried Carboplatin and Meloxicam and it failed, the tumor continued to grow! Following your directions in your book I switched my dog’s diet, put him on various herbs, Omega 3, K9 Immunity, super antioxidants, holistic med, probiotics and enzymes. His condition improved and growth seemed to slow down for awhile. He also gets occasional acupuncture and Ozone therapy. Unfortunately, the tumor has decided to start to grow rather swiftly again, so I am now trying applications of Sodium Nitroprusside which also seems to be ineffective. I am now in a complete panic!!! Do you think that Apopcaps could help? Is there ANYTHING that can help slow this beast down??? PLEASE! Can You HELP us?? I can’t bear the thought of this tumor slowly choking him to death! What should I do??? He seems so healthy otherwise!!
    Carla and Ty

    • DemianDressler on March 8, 2011 at 10:34 pm

      Dear Carla,
      In my practice, we would use Apocaps. I would consider it with your veterinarian’s input.
      I hope this helps,
      Dr D

  5. Trish on October 27, 2010 at 10:10 am

    I just found out yesterday that my 6 year old Boston Terrier (Roscoe) has tonsillar oral squamous cell carcinoma. I am devistated. He went into sugery last week to get a lump removed because we believed it was a growth related to the thyroid. They removed the right thyroid, all of the growth and then found the right tonsil was swollen and hard so they removed that as well. I was just not prepared for this diagnosis. Everything I read says this type of cancer is “very aggressive and has a poor prognosis”. I don’t know what to do. I hope to see an oncologist soon, but it’s at least 4 hours away so I don’t think I can do radiation and I’m not even sure I want to. I don’t know where to begin and I can hardly think I only have 3-6 months left with Roscoe… but if I do I want them to be as pleasent for him as possible. What are you thoughts?

  6. Joe Sapp on October 18, 2010 at 6:45 am

    My 12 yr old female standard poodle (this line of s. poodles routinely lives 14+years) was diagnosed with scc in a salivary duct with no sign of metastasis. The tumor was removed surgically with indication of margin breach in one spot. Lymph nodes were clear. Radiation of her tongue was recommended with high hopes of good results. However when went in to U of GA vet school teaching hospital for her first radiation an xray showed a tumor in her lung which had not been there before her surgery( 3 weeks previous). Now she is having chemo with carboplatin and piroxicam( 7mg/24hr for 24 kg dog) with the plan being to re-xray in 6 wks to evaluate results. I have Apocaps and need to know whether I can safely give concurrently with piroxicam.The oncologist knows about Apocaps but has no opinion as to safe administration. I saw your comment that Apocaps concurrently with antiflammatories may agravate gastric irritation but am desperate to do anything I can for Sydney. Please comment.

  7. dianna champ on June 23, 2010 at 3:56 pm

    My pot bellied pig Olivia has squamous cell carcinoma on the inside of her cheek. it was removed twice but grew back within a few weeks. She is just starting her third month of palladia, with no signs of the tumor growing back. I just want to know if there is anything else I should be doing for her or she should be taking in addition to the palladia? I know its hard to compare a potbelly pig to a dog, but with no information to compare, her oncologist is somewhat at a loss, and any information would be greatly appreciated.

  8. Devon Vann on June 21, 2010 at 6:36 am

    My 13 yo golden retriever has just been dx’d with squamous cell carcinoma. The tumor is in his nose; you can see (and smell) the damage. I’m wondering about tx options- we are about an 1.5 hour away from the closest radiation treatment, and it is cost-prohibitive for us (not to mention that I am 8 mos pregnant, and it will be difficult for me to get him to daily txs w/ the distance, and lifting involved). I haven’t ruled out radiation entirely- he is our 1st baby, but I’m curious about other possible tx options. Also, how much time do you think he has? Thank you for providing so much useful info,

  9. Joanne fountain on April 29, 2010 at 10:53 pm

    Hi, firstly thanks so much for all you do. I have a question and would be grateful if you could offer your opinion. My dog has multiple cutaneous plasmacytoma on her legs. She suffered badly from immune mediated polyarthritis when she was 2 and I had to keep her on pred for 2 years to stabilise it (she is now 9). I am interested in using acopaps but did not notice curcumin in the ingredients. Is it ok to use acopaps and curcumin. Thanks so much for your help. I am under an oncologist in the uk however I would like to get as many opinions as possible. Best jo

  10. georgina crewe on April 5, 2010 at 3:28 pm

    Dear Dr Dressler.
    I am a veterinarian in Johannesburg South Africa I enjoy your blog, I find it balanced and informative.
    I would like to contribute to the SCC information. It is frightening to realise the effects of global warmining on animal cancers in the southern hemisphere. The fact that you only see SCC occasionally, whilst 50% of dogs and 95% of the cats that are refferred to me are sufferring from SCCs makes one very aware of the damage to the ozone in the Southern Hemisphere.
    The low ozone cover in S Hemisphere is due to pollution (mainly from N Hemisphere) and consequent destruction of the ozone. This enables the UVB fraction of UV ray to penetrate the basal cell of the skin, mutating the DNA and causing the SCC to develop.
    The most successful treatment we have, even in severe cases is; radiation to shrink the tumour, operate, then radiate again. We use electrons to a depth of 2cms, low dose often, ie 2Gy plus bolus per treatment 3X weekly.
    Enviromental control is Lycra bodysuits for the dogs (we make them in 5 sizes) and for the cats and ‘inside’ dogs UV block on the windows (leave infrared and visible light) and the pets stay in during the day.
    All best wishes
    Georgina Crewe BVSc, MSc.

    • Dr. Dressler on April 5, 2010 at 6:40 pm

      Dear Dr. Crewe,
      Thank you so much for this informative input!
      All my best,
      Dr D

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