Food and Nutrition for Dogs with Mast Cell Tumors
Updated: August 24th, 2023

Dr. Dressler’s Dog Cancer Diet is appropriate for most dogs, but dogs with mast cell tumors need a few modifications. Read this if your dog needs a low-histamine diet.
We know that good nutrition is the foundation of health. The Dog Cancer Survival Guide devotes an entire chapter to a real food diet for our dogs battling cancer, advising both on the foods to give, and those to avoid.
Dogs with Mast Cell Tumors MAY Need a Low-Histamine Diet
While every cancer journey is a tough one, the diagnosis of Mast Cell Tumor (MCT) presents a bigger challenge when it comes to feeding.
In some (not all!) mast cell cancers, large amounts of histamine are released in the body, causing irritation and itching. In addition to itchies on the skin, the irritation can also be found in the gut.
That can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Antihistamines May Help (and Are Often Prescribed)
Most MCT treatment protocols include an antihistamine to help block histamine receptors.
So why look at diet, if you are giving an antihistamine?
Well, some foods have high histamine levels that can irritate the tummy tissues. Others may trigger the release of histamines in the body.
If your dog is itchy and/or having GI issues, making some of the modifications listed below might help.
The Dog Cancer Diet Is Fantastic for Mast Cell Tumors … With a Few Modifications
Even some of the healthiest, highest recommended foods Dr. Dressler recommends in his diet may not be appropriate for a dog with MCT.
If your dog is itchy and scratchy, Dr. Dressler’s post on Diets for Dogs with Mast Cell Tumors addresses this cause and effect in more depth.
Dr. Dressler has also provided insights for and reviewed this article, as well. The guidelines below will help you to modify his diet for your dog.
But first, let’s review when histamine is a problem … and when it is not.
Histamine … Is It a Problem for Your Dog?
First, it’s important to know that just because your dog has MCT doesn’t mean your dog is automatically having a problem with histamine levels.
Not all dogs with MCT have histamine problems!
Histamine is an important part of the body’s normal functioning. It’s made in several ways. It doesn’t just come from the diet.
That’s important to keep in mind. Changing the diet won’t necessarily eliminate histamine. It will just keep you from adding MORE histamine.
Put another way, if you have a sunburn, you don’t go out in the sun and try to get a tan, right? You avoid the sun until your burn has healed.
Same thing here. If your dog is in histamine overload, you avoid high histamine foods until those levels go down.
Signs Your Dog Is In Histamine Overload
So how do you know if your dog is in histamine overload, and you should change the diet?
If your dog is currently vomiting, itching, feeling sick, having reduced appetite, or swelling (welts) … histamine is probably in overload.
Signs Your Dog Is NOT In Histamine Overload
If your dog seems calm, isn’t itchy and scratchy, is eating and eliminating normally, has normal skin tone, and is basically acting fine … she is likely not in histamine overload.
Also, if there are no or few Mast Cell Tumors … for example if you’ve surgically removed them all … he’s almost certainly not in histamine overload.
Reducing dietary histamine is not necessary if your dog is not in histamine overload.
Why? Well, MOST of the ingredients in Dr. Dressler’s dog cancer diet are already on the low-histamine list. It’s already a pretty low-histamine diet as it is …
… and there are only a couple of ingredients that are high in histamine. And those are important sources of some vitamins and minerals … so if you don’t have to eliminate them, it’s way easier.
Balancing Act: Mast Cell Tumor Dogs May Go In and Out of Histamine Overload
In a way, histamine manages water flow in the body. When it is released, the area will swell, bringing immune activity.
For example, histamine is one of the things that causes a bug bite to swell up. It’s helping to heal. When it’s no longer needed, the body stops manufacturing it. The tissues stop swelling.
Mast cells that have tumors in them do not always manufacture and release more histamine. Sometimes, they don’t do that at all.
Sometimes they do, but then the antihistamine you give helps them to stop.
So this is not an all or nothing situation. You may not have to deal with histamine overload at all. Or you may have to deal with it for a couple weeks, and then stop.
How to Decide Whether to Use a Low Histamine Diet for Dogs with Mast Cell Tumors
So … it’s pretty simple.
If your dog has high histamine symptoms, reduce histamine in food. Again, you won’t be treating the problem … you just won’t be adding more histamine unnecessarily.
If your dog stops having symptoms (or if your dog never has any symptoms), you can resume a normal dog cancer diet. Again, dietary histamine is not likely going to trigger a problem if one doesn’t already exist.
The histamine problems in mast cell tumor dogs are coming from the cancer, not from the diet … reducing histamine in the diet is about reducing unnecessary excess, not about treating the cancer.
So you may only need to modify your dog’s diet for a little while. Once symptoms stop, and your dog is feeling better for a few days or a week, try adding one item back in and see how she does. If she tolerates it, you can continue feeding those few higher-histamine items.
If you see itching, or tummy upset start up again, you can remove those higher-histamine items again.
Rarely, a dog needs to have a low-histamine diet on a regular basis. In those cases, you’ll see itching and other symptoms start up as soon as you stop a low-histamine diet. In those cases, you want to keep a low-histamine diet for as long as necessary to keep your dog comfortable.
Like most things, this is all about balance and is not a yes/no/black/white topic.
The bottom line: Follow the symptoms, and feed accordingly.
Low Histamine Dietary Guidelines for Dogs with Mast Cell Tumors
It’s surprising just how tough it has been to find more thorough information on what foods to give a dog with MCT.
I honestly don’t know whether this is because no one wants to publish a recommended list, or no one has thought of it yet. But I know the need is there because our readers are asking for it.
Must-Understand Concepts for a Low Histamine Dog Cancer Diet
With Dr. Dressler’s expert input and my own background with animal nutrition, I’m going to give you a list of foods to avoid (and to choose).
As long as you promise to note the following:
- Follow the recommended proportions/amounts in Dr. Dressler’s diet. Don’t go overboard on any ingredient in the yes list below. Five pounds of Brussels sprouts at a time is not good … even though they are on the “ok” list.
- This list comes from human-food resources. The lists below were compiled by researching several human-food resources for histamine-restricted diets. Then, we screened those lists against the highest recommended foods for dogs with cancer. Why? Because dogs and humans share many similarities physiologically, and dogs are the preferred test subjects for human cancer research. What helps us in our diet usually helps them in their diet when it comes to cancer. Some of these sources are The Histamine and Tyramine Restricted Diet, and The Histamine Restricted Diet.
- No list will ever be perfect or apply to every dog. This list contains foods that are generally safe and liked by dogs in general. That said, YOUR dog may not like some of these foods. Your dog may not be able to digest some of them well. Every dog is different, and what works for most may not work for your dog, and vice versa.
- You will find conflicting information online. It would be great if every article you read agreed with every post, comment, or tweet. And it would be really great if every thing you read online agreed with what your veterinarian recommends. Well, that’s not real life. As you research histamine and mast cell tumors, you may find a list that recommends against one or more of the items below. You may find lists that contain other foods. You can find anything on the internet if you try hard enough. We researched low-histamine foods and high-histamine foods and then screened them against the dog cancer diet. These lists are not like other lists.
- Don’t drive yourself (and your dog) crazy about histamine. Remember that it’s nearly impossible to eliminate everything that may trigger histamine. What we are trying to do here is reduce histamine load by not adding it via the diet. This is better than ignoring the problem, but it’s not addressing every histamine problem. Give yourself a break if your dog is still uncomfortable even if you change the food. Mast cell tumors are not fun.
The Definite ‘No’ List: High Histamine Foods to Avoid
Here is a list of foods or ingredients that should be completely avoided if possible if your dog is in histamine overload. A few of these are included in Dr. Dressler’s dog cancer diet, so I have listed modifications below. Otherwise, avoid:
All Fermented Foods
All Processed Foods
All Leftovers
All Fish**
All Berries***
All Stone Fruits (ex: Apricots)
All Cheese
Citrus Fruits
Yeast products like Bread
Cottage Cheese*
Walnuts and Pecans
Processed Oils with BHA/BHT
Anything Pickled
Anything with Vinegar
*Cottage cheese is included in Dr. Dressler’s dog cancer diet for its food-based calcium content. And, because dogs love it. If you are avoiding cottage cheese to reduce histamine, make sure you give chicken or turkey necks as outlined in the diet … or give a calcium supplement, or ground-up and boiled eggshells.
**Fish is on the list of proteins you could give in Dr. Dressler’s diet, and he also recommends giving sardines as treats. While your dog is avoiding histamine, do not use fish as your protein, and avoid sardines. (Sorry, puppy, I know they are delicious.)
***Berries that are dark and deeply colored, like raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries, are included in the diet as “optional healthy toppings.” While your dog is in histamine overload, don’t add them.
The Recommended ‘Yes’ List: Low Histamine Foods to Include
I hope you’ll be pleasantly surprised with this list. Most of these foods are already included in the dog cancer diet!
When you are reducing histamine, focus on using the following low-histamine foods:
Chicken Breasts
Lean Beef (trim off any fat)
Turkey Breasts
Chicken or Turkey Necks
Mung Beans
Organic, Rolled Oats (not instant)
Brown Rice (not instant)
Cooked Cabbage
Brussels Sprouts
Butternut Squash
Red and Yellow Bell Peppers
Pure Peanut Butter
Fresh Garlic Cloves (in small amounts of course)
Fresh Ginger
Coconut Oil
Krill Oil/Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Flaxseed/Linseed Oil
Now, if you look at that list, you will see about 90% of the foods listed in the dog cancer diet there. So, see? Most of the diet is good for cancer AND low in histamine.
As always, the better quality, organic meats are always better to serve, if possible. And please check out the cooking guidelines below as well.
Low Histamine Commercial Dog Food … ???
Unfortunately, even among the best-quality commercial dog foods, we have yet to find one that matches these recommendations.
So if your dog is showing symptoms of histamine overload, cooking for him or her is your best bet.
However, there are some really great foods available these days for when your dog is no longer in histamine overload. We have listed many in the Dog Cancer Shop and Dog Cancer Shop UK.
If a commercial food ever does come on the market that is of high quality and would be appropriate for dogs with histamine overload, we’ll update this article.
Special Cooking Considerations for a Low Histamine Diet
There are a couple of things to keep in mind as you cook for your dog. Histamines can be generated by the cooking process, for example.
Use Low Temperatures, and Don’t OverCook!
Histamine levels rise as meat cooks. And they continue to rise after meat is removed from the heat.
So, always cook your meat at low temperatures (below 300 degrees Fahrenheit).
And don’t overcook your meat.
For example, I’ve found the best way to cook chicken and turkey is to simmer the breasts in a large pot of water.
You get more meat for your money and you have a great broth too. Note: bone broth is high in histamines, but meat broth is not.
Freeze Meat, Don’t Refrigerate It
Histamines can continue to develop in the refrigerator, so refrigerating your cooked meat is not as good as freezing it. (Refrigerating cooked vegetables and grains is less troublesome.)
I freeze cooked meat immediately in meal-sized portions.
And don’t throw out that broth — it can be frozen in ice cube trays for treats. Or, you could use small containers that yield frozen brothcicles to melt down later for your dog’s delight. Freeze in containers up to a cup in size.
No Leftovers for a Low Histamine Diet
Leftovers are on the “no” list above, but it’s worth discussing this a little.
Many of us cook the dog cancer diet in a big batch and refrigerate it for a few days.
But if your dog has mast cell tumors, and you need a low-histamine diet, you might consider freezing every day’s portion individually.
That’s because histamines rise in food as they sit in the fridge.
Leftovers have higher histamines than fresh cooked foods. When you freeze the fresh-cooked food, you avoid excess histamine accumulation.
Again, vegetable and grain leftovers also develop histamines as they sit. But they do it more slowly than meat.
It really depends upon your own kitchen habits, but it may be most convenient to cook a big batch of food and then freeze it in portions. That way you know you are avoiding excess histamines that might develop in the fridge.
Are Fish & Krill Oil Supplements Safe for a Low Histamine Dog Cancer Diet?
If fish is high in histamines, is there cause for concern if you give your dog a fish oil supplement?
Possibly … although the processing of the fish to get its oil alters the original material, and likely removes any problematic metabolites that cause histamine reactions.
If you want to be very safe and make a conservative choice, avoid fish oil if your dog is in histamine overload.
What about krill oil?
In general, Dr. Dressler recommends krill oil over fish oil supplements for many reasons which he explains in the book. We have found that Mercola Krill Oil and Jarrow Formula Krill Oil report that any histamine is “below detectable levels” which is about as good as it can get.
Generally, the benefits of giving a high-quality krill oil for its anti-cancer properties outweigh the infinitesimal amount of histamine which may be present.
Krill oil (and fish oil) are important supplements in full spectrum cancer care. Giving krill oil, especially, is almost certainly better than avoiding it for the infintesimal level of histamines it may contain.
Both of these oils are available through the Dog Cancer Shop.
A Labor of Love for Your Dog with Mast Cell Tumors
All of this sounds like a lot of work, I know. But once you’re in the swing you can actually make your doggie food preparation a lot of fun.
When you have your ingredients, a little organization and an hour of time are all you need to prepare a week of food for your dog.
While your meat is cooking you can prepare a pot of organic, rolled oats or brown rice, and lightly cook the vegetables.
Store the meat portions in one container, oat/rice in another, and the various vegetables in a third.
Freeze the meat, refrigerate the others.
When food time nears you can select from each to make a delicious meal. Either thaw to room temperature if you have the time or warm in a microwave. Remember not to overheat.
I’ll bet your dog will be gazing wide-eyed until you put that bowl down.
I hope this helps those of you out there who were shaking your head in frustration. Take a deep breath, sit down with your dog and make that shopping list. You’re doing great!
Happy Tails!

I’m a member of the Dog Cancer Support Team & a Dog Cancer Survivor! Two of my beloved dogs have had cancer, and with the Dog Cancer Survival Guide, Apocaps, and full spectrum help given with boundless love, both our dogs far surpassed the odds we were given. I’m an Animal Health Consultant with a Diploma in Animal Healing, and Assistant Instructor with the Healing Animals Organization (MHAO). I’m passionate to help dogs and their people get through this journey. Early on I asked the Team how I could help, and here I am.
Hi Sarah, You make good points, and come back to the issue; a dog with cancer has a compromised immune system. Period. The body is under attack, and normal body systems do not respond as they would in a healthy animal. This is why the Drs recommend against a raw diet. Why take the chance ot introducing more challenges to the body? A human-fed raw diet is not the same as a wild raw diet, it can’t be. Having said that, no guidline is 100% definite for every individual dog. Some will thrive on a raw diet. The Drs present their professional opinion. It’s down to every human guardian to take the responsibiliity of weighing it up and making the choice. Thank you for your input.
Renee, you are doing a marvelous job. And I do truly understand, have had two dogs with cancer myself. So I’m glad I can help in some way. I asked about the itching simply because you needn’t be too strict in avoiding some of the foods (as mentioned in the Food and Nutrition for Dogs with Mast Cell Tumor blog) if itching is not a problem. You won’t make the cancer worse by feeding foods that an itchy dog should avoid. I hope that makes sense. So you can loosen up a bit. I know Krill oil is expensive. You’d likely be better off giving her loewr doses of the krill rather than full doses of a regular fish oil. There is just so much range of good-to-poor quality in the larger fish oils…. but just a thought. I love that Daisy has a wonderful appetite. Let her have what makes sense, we don’t want skinny dogs fighting cancer, a little extra weight is not a problem. They need to be a bit robust to get through this. Do you have a good quality kibble base for some of her meals? We have some excellent brands listed in the Dog Cancer Shop (, and this is also a handy treat option. Using the food you make is perfect, you just get to spend more time cooking! It sounds as though you have some good vets working with you in a positive way. Give Daisy a great big cuddle from me please. Keep doing what you’re doing. More isn’t always better. You may also explain to Daisy what’s going on with the different treatments etc. You probably do; we know our dogs understand more than some people believe. Let her know what’s coming and stay positive with her. All the best!
You are doing an absolutely amazing job, and you MUST remember this. I truly understand what you’re going through. So here are some thoughts I want you to grasp hold of.
First, as Dr Dresslers says in the MCT nutrition blog, don’t worry overmuch about restrictnig the foods unless there is itching. Is Daisy itching? Second, Stage 2 MCT is a wide range, but still more hopeful than Stage 3, so you focus on that. It’s hard to find the way to still the voices of doom and gloom, but it’s the only way you both will face this fight. I strongly feel you’d be happier with another vet, or at least an opinion from another vet. phone other vets in your area and interview them. By that I mean, ask how much cancer they deal with, how many cases of MCT. Find your expert.
Next, check out the blog to get some views on Neoplasene as a treatment option.
Remember not to throw loads of supplementation at her. You can ‘overdose’ or over-do the supplements and pour money down her throat. Keep doing what you are, research. Use the Dog Cancer Survival Guide which has a wonderful chapter on what is considered the best treatments to put your money in to, and which sound great on the internet, but have no solid foundation of proof. Hang in there Renee. Daisy needs you and you know her better than anyone. We’re here to help you navigate. The best medicine of all is happy, quality days and that good food. Good luck!
Thank you so very much for your response! I want to let you know that Daisy seems to be doing well on the diet. I don’t see any progress in her cancer as of yet; she seems stable so far. This is a huge relief to me because I know that time is my enemy right now. I have already brought neoplasene to my vet’s attention and he is very excited about it and plans to order it for Daisy on Jan. 2nd. I should mention that there are 3 vets in the practice and all three were mentioned in my previous letter…it was not just one who saw her and treated the different occurrences. One of them has her Master’s in Nutrition, and leans heavily toward holistic, natural treatments and is also very excited about neoplasene. I am anxious to get started, and also a bit apprehensive, which I think is natural. I hope the oral treatment does not make Daisy very nauseaus; that is my main apprehension.
You asked if Daisy is itching. She is not. She is still on the 75 mg of Benadryl bid, so I would be surprised if she was itching. Is it ok to give her the cottage cheese and blueberries? Eggs? As far as supplements, I have started her on Krill Oil, but I cannot afford to give her 6000 to 9000 mg a day of it. A bottle would last me 5 days. I have started to give her Flaxseed Oil also because I saw it on the approved list for MCT, so I give her 2000 mg of that right now, with the intention of slowly building up. My only concern with that is I see it also has omega 6’s in it, which Dr. Dressler says is a “bad” omega? Please advise if I am doing the right thing. And what about the Fish Oil? I had bought a large bottle of that. I don’t know if that is ok to use or not.
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your words of encouragement and support. You couldn’t possibly know how much it means to me. I am trying so hard to keep my girl happy. The hard part for me is she is always looking for food and treats, and I hate denying her but there just aren’t any good treats for her, so I use the food I make as treats. I try to change it up a little here and there to give her a little variety, and I believe she is eating more and better than me and my boyfriend now, lol. At least I can use my food stamps to buy the food for her now, so that’s a good thing. She will always get good, nourishing, quality food.
Thank you again for your interest in and concern for my Daisy. It means so much to me to feel that I have someone who understands what she and I are going through!
My beautiful girl Daisy (10.5 years old, Lab/Chow? mix) has been diagnosed with MCT. I am devastated. She had a tumor removed from her left side…the vet had always said it was a lipoma, nothing to worry about(she had it her whole life) but had to be removed recently because it suddenly increased in size. He saved slices from the tumor for future biopsy if we ever felt the need to do so. Daisy did well following surgery for 2 weeks, then she had a bleed on the back of her neck that I couldn’t stop all day and evening. Following day, vet said she was fine, it was an adenoma, and put her on cephalexin 500 mg bid for 2 weeks. 2 days later Daisy woke up in the morning and cried out when she tried to stand on her left front leg. Her elbow was swollen, and part of her leg as well. Called the vet again, by the time I heard back, her entire leg was swollen, Vet did an x-ray to rule out fracture. Prednisone was prescribed. This was on a Saturday. Monday morning I brought her back because her entire leg was still quite swollen, as well as her left chest. She stayed to have a drain put in with two exits from her body. After the drains were inserted, my vet said he thought the swelling was due to trauma…had she fallen down the stairs? No, she couldn’t have because I went with her every time she went up or down stairs, holding onto her collar to be sure she was safe. I asked to have the biopsy on the slices from the tumor done the day the drains were put in; it took 3 days for the results to come back. Grade II, with mitotic index of 9, which I know is bad.After her “lipoma” surgery I found a few new small lumps, which the vet thought were also lipomas, but at this point we aspirated them and they tested positive for MCT. Daisy is currently on the cephalexin still, Benadryl 75 mg bid, and prednisone 20 mg bid. I found Dr. Dressler’s Cancer Diet, and made up a large batch consisting of boneless chicken breasts, beef liver, brown rice, fresh minced parsley, fresh minced garlic, brussels sprouts, blueberries, and cottage cheese, as listed in the dog cancer diet.She loves the food, but she is always hungry! Food has always been her favorite thing in the world, aside from me.I have also given her scrambled eggs, thinking that the protein would be good for her and hold her till the next meal. I also bought Fish oil for her and started giving her that. Today I found this blog. I see I am not supposed to give her eggs, cottage cheese, blueberries. I really feel lost and so scared. I am trying so hard to do the right thing for my girl but I am frustrated by my poor financial situation. my credit card is already maxed out. I want to do everything I can for my baby. And I am afraid she can sense my stress. I cry too much…I am trying to change that. I am waiting to hear from a holistic vet to find out if Daisy is a candidate for neoplasene, and if I can afford it if she is. Please, any guidance from you would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Gina, The Dog Cancer Survival Guide does not have the detail of recipes for dogs with mast cell tumors, and as we’ve noted in this post, Dr Dressler points out that you only need to restrict histamine enhancing foods if there is an itching problem. So if you can use this blog, and the recommended food lists in it, and use the Dog Cancer Diet as in the book, you can select the best ingredients for your dog IF you find a need to reduce histamine foods. We all become mini-experts in the nutrition of our own dogs, and after all, isn’t that the absolute best way?
Is there specific dog food recipes for dogs with MST in The Dog Cancer Survival Guide?
Feed that gorgeous girl everything she wants to eat. If she isn’t having itching symptoms you can always include a egg here and there if she likes them. Take them away if you see any histamine response. Feed her, feed her, feed her. We’d always rather have a little extra weight on a dog with a cancer diagnosis, than to be underweight. Extra cuddles too, and one from me please. Follow the diet, give her as much as she wants. You’re doing a wonderful job.
Actually that’s not true about the weight. Are you a vet? Every vet I have talked to says it’s always better to have a lean dog.
Hi Gina, thanks for writing. In general, a lean dog is healthier than a heavier dog, but Susan’s point is that when it comes to cancer, which causes cachexia (weight loss), it’s OK to have a little extra weight on a dog. It helps the body to fight the cancer, and it gives them something to “lose” as the cancer progresses, without cutting into reserves too much. When it comes to serious illnesses, we simply have to go easy on ourselves where we can. If a dog is a little heavier than we’d like, but is able to fight cancer, we worry less about the weight and more about the ability to fight the illness. Susan isn’t a veterinarian, but she is an animal health expert in the UK, and many veterinarians actually turn to her for advice about nutrition due to her incredible breadth of experience and knowledge. When it comes to cancer, there really are no rules that apply to every case. In people, or in dogs 🙁
Thank you for responding to my previous post. Isabelle is still hanging in, despite a second tumor. She is not experiencing any histamine reactions, thank goodness.
My question today is about how to put a little weight on her. She’s lost quite a bit of weight, some due to her age, but I think some also due to the cancer. She’s lost 4 ounces in a month.Her diet follows the book as far as meals go. Would you recommend an additional portion of her normal food? I was thinking of making “meatballs” for her of higher fat beef (80/20 or 73/27). Her food protein is venison which is fairly low fat to begin with. With any other dog, I’d use eggs, but I hesitate to go with eggs since they are on the no-histamine list. Just in case. She has the typical pug appetite and will eat virtually anything I put in her bowl.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Erika,
Sorry for the delay responding. Dr. Dressler advises that if there is no itching or other symptoms of a histamine problem, it’s not necessary to restrict foods to low histamine foods. That makes it ever so much easier. Being aware of the restricted list gives you a great leeway to manage Gracie’s nutrition.
I hope this helps. Give Gracie a big cuddle for me.
Hi Susan, hopefully you are still monitoring this blog post, though I know it’s a bit old. My Labrador just had a surgical removal of her 2nd MCT. The first tumor was a grade II and we are still awaiting the biopsy results for this second one. My regular vet removed the first, but this most recent one we consulted with an oncologist and surgeon at the same speciality clinic performed the surgery. I feel a bit overwhelmed with figuring out a nutrition plan for my dog (Gracie). She is NOT experiencing any symptoms related to histamine overload that you have mentioned except she has ALWAYS (since the age of 2 when we adopted her) been a big paw-licker. She is now 9.5 and did not get her first MCT until last year, when she was 8.5 years old. In light of this, would you recommend following a low histamine diet OR can I use the diet as recommended in the Dog Cancer Survival Guide?