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Featuring Demian Dressler, DVM and Sue Ettinger, DVM, Dip. ACVIM (Oncology), authors of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide

Emotional Self-Management and Oxygen Mask Exercises

Updated: November 14th, 2018


These important studies about emotional self-management were used as the basis for Dr. Dressler’s “oxygen mask exercises.”

There were many studies, articles and books Dr. Dressler and Dr. Ettinger used when writing The Dog Cancer Survival Guide. Here is a list of the most important references about emotional self-management. These studies (among others) were the basis of Dr. Dressler’s “oxygen mask exercises.”

Please note that in vivo and clinical use citations were included whenever possible. We have also include links to the papers, where available.

A different perspective to approaching cancer symptoms in children. Woodgate RL, Degner LF, Yanofsky R., J Pain Symptom Manage. 2003 Sep;26(3):800-17.

The emotional harbinger effect: poor context memory for cues that previously predicted something arousing. Mather M and Knight M., Emotion. 2008 Dec;8(6):850-60.

Dispositional optimism predicts survival status 1 year after diagnosis in head and neck cancer patients. Allison PJ, et. al., J Clin Oncol. 2003 Feb 1;21(3):543-8.

Gratitude influences sleep through the mechanism of pre-sleep cognitions. Wood AM, Joseph S, Lloyd J, Atkins S., J Psychosom Res. 2009 Jan;66(1):43-8.

Gratitude and subjective well-being in early adolescence: examining gender differences. Froh JJ, Yurkewicz C, Kashdan TB., J Adolesc. 2009 Jun;32(3):633-50.

Dispositional anger and risk decision-making,  Gambetti E and Giusberti F. Mind & Society. 2009 Jun; 8(1): 7-20

Immediate effect of high-frequency yoga breathing on attention, Telles, S. et al. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2008; 62 (1): 20-22

Cognitive predictors of vigilance. Matthews G, Davies DR, Holley PJ., Hum Factors. 1993 Mar;35(1):3-24.

Intensive meditation training improves perceptual discrimination and sustained attention. MacLean KA, et al., Psychol Sci. 2010 Jun;21(6):829-39.

White Coat Hypertension: Relevance to Clinical and Emergency Medical Services Personnel, Khan TV, et al., MedGenMed. 2007; 9(1): 52.

Counting blessings versus burdens: an experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. Emmons RA and McCullough ME., J Pers Soc Psychol. 2003 Feb;84(2):377-89.

The effects of deep breathing training on pain management in the emergency department. Downey LV and Zun LS., South Med J. 2009 Jul;102(7):688-92.

Frames, Biases, and Rational Decision Making in the Human Brain, De Martino, B. et al., Science. 2006 August 4; 313(5787): 684–687.

Jumping to conclusions and delusion proneness: the impact of emotionally salient stimuli. Warman DM and Martin JM., J Nerv Ment Dis. 2006 Oct;194(10):760-5.

Acute stress modulates risk taking in financial decision making. Porcelli AJ and Delgado MR., Psychol Sci. 2009 Mar;20(3):278-83.

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